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Why Donate?

A financial investment in the Adult Literacy Center of Ozaukee County is one of the best decisions you can make. When you make a gift to the ALC, you:

Allow an individual to gain economic independence

Build community because improved literacy helps individuals gain confidence and become more involved in their community

Ensure a more educated, reliable and efficient workforce

Give stability to families

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Why the work of the Adult Literacy Center matters

In Ozaukee County: 3,500 people do not have a high school diploma. 17,000 people have “limited assets and income.” And 5,300 children live in poverty.

Students come to the ALC for one-on-one tutoring to improve their educational skills. Some are English Language Learners, some are pursuing citizenship, and others have goals to improve their reading, writing, speaking, comprehension, grammar and life skills. Learning these skills allows students to become more employable, communicate better in the community and develop confidence. Employees with higher literacy skills earn more, are less likely to be unemployed, have greater opportunities for job mobility, are more likely to find full- time work, and are more likely to receive further training.

How is my donation used?

The Adult Literacy Center of Ozaukee County is grateful for every contribution and donation we receive. Every dollar is spent wisely, with the majority of the donations used to support our programs that positively impact adult students in Ozaukee County.

Your gift goes FARTHER

ALC maintains a special relationship with Grace Lutheran Church who provides in-kind gifts of office space, meeting space, and utilities allowing your gift to go further in directly supporting our mission.

Class room Resources and Curriculum

It's important that we provide our students and tutors with the resources that they need to be successful including updated curriculum, teaching materials, and online resources.


We utilize TABE®, the most comprehensive and reliable academic assessment product in adult basic education. TABE testing provides a solid foundation for effectively assessing the skills and knowledge of our students. 

Tutor Training

We are proud of the one-on-one instruction our tutors provide. It is critical our tutors are well-trained, receive support, and continued education to help us in achieving our mission. As new tutors join the ALC, we continue to strive to provide comprehensive training.


Student 1

Has become more confident in his English skills and is now speaking with people outside his family. 


Student 2 

Began at ALC after her husband passed away.  She has been learning English and basic financial skills such as balancing a check book and filling out forms. 

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Student 3 

Participated in their first job interview and was hired for the position!  

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