ALC STUDENT PROGRAMS are provided by dedicated, trained volunteer tutors who provide one-on-one instruction. Students pay a small registration and book fee to cover the cost of materials. Ongoing tutoring services are provided free of charge.
English as a Second Language
ALC provides one-on-one individualized English instruction to non-native speakers. A standards-based curriculum is used which includes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary development, grammar and conversational and workplace English are emphasized.
GED Preparation
ALC offers a comprehensive site General Education Development program to assist students in meeting the requirements for high school equivalency.
Citizen Instruction
ALC offers citizenship preparation classes which combine civics and English language instruction, assistance with reading comprehension, and writing skills.

Adult Basic Education
Tailored adult basic education includes work in literacy and numeracy and help in preparing students for entry-level employment and in seeking better jobs. This program is available to native and non-native speakers.
College Support
Individualized assistance is offered for college entrance including testing preparation and support once successfully admitted. This service is offered to all students.
Community Partnerships
ALC continues to expand on its mission to support the life skills of its students and the greater community by developing partnerships to offer financial , health and digital literacy programs. Additionally, ALC works with community businesses to design specific programs to strengthen employee work skills to meet business demands.